For me, time always seemed to tick away, downward, lessening. The teacher would start the clock and time would run out. Pencils down. You’re out of time. As I got older, time seemed to be for younger people. Not that I consciously thought of myself as done but I also didn’t indulge in new projects that inspired me because, well, it was getting late.

In “The Slight Edge’’ Jeff Olson points out that what we do or don’t do with this minute, the one I am living right now, ultimately determines how successful I’ll be. The concept applies to this dollar, this relationship, this task. When I learned to look at time as literally right this minute, I found that it just kept morphing into the next minute, then the next minute, and soon realized that time is actually expanding, not running out. I was compelled to draw a grand vision for myself so I can make the most of every minute. Indeed, I have a new relationship with time.

Do you believe in finite resources? How are you considering your resources as they regard a grander vision for the future? I would love to help you discover where your limiting beliefs may be limiting your future. You can schedule a free discovery call by clicking Schedule a Session.