
Bah humbug!

Bah humbug!

Yeah, I know. We’re all expecting lots of “happy” this and “merry” that. Some days just don’t align with that feeling. Except for last night. Last night my husband and I built a gingerbread house together. It didn’t take long and it didn’t look like the picture on the...

2020: The Year of Clear Vision???

2020: The Year of Clear Vision???

2020: The Year of Clear Vision??? 2020 was heralded as the year of Clear Vision. Yet, some are saying 2020’s vision was murky at best. But is that true? Maybe we just did not like what we saw or feel overwhelmed by what we see and unable to sort it all, or perhaps we...

What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo 

What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo 

What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo  By Mary F Gleason Leadership development courses are evolving to include intuition as a critical factor in successful leadership. Intuition in the workplace is not an entirely new concept, yet with enormous data...

Elayne and Bruce

True Story! My sister-in-law, Elayne, wrote about her feelings on Facebook. It was a powerful and deeply personal statement about her observations of today's White House. It doesn't matter if you agree with her sentiments. That's not my point. Here is my point. Her...

Ignore your intuition at your own peril.

Ignore your intuition at your own peril.

Ignore your intuition at your own peril. Intuition shows up most readily for us through our chakras, the seven main energy bodies, or "satellite dishes" that run along the spine. Like a satellite dish, your chakras are continually receiving and communicating messages....

Are You Hiding Your Magic?

Are You Hiding Your Magic?

Every day you can use your magic for good or evil or not at all. You get to decide. But never let anyone tell you to hide it.

Which Walls Need Your Attention?

Which Walls Need Your Attention?

I started six separate blogs in the last few days and rejected them all. Not because the content wasn’t heartfelt but because they all felt tone deaf to what is happening in our cities and country. My heart sank and my anger raged when I saw the wall being erected...

Here’s Why a Little Bit of Woo Woo at Work is a Good Thing

Here’s Why a Little Bit of Woo Woo at Work is a Good Thing

We live in data overload! There are numbers, charts, estimates, and comparisons of budget-to-actuals in need of your constant attention. And still, with all of this data, very intelligent people sometimes make bad decisions. In order to move forward, your team,...

Explore Past Lives

Here's a little background about past lives and why you might want to explore them.

Hitting the Wall

Hitting the Wall

 itEarlier this week, I hit the damn wall. I was lethargic and resistant to whatever tasks I needed to accomplish. With literally nowhere to run or hide, I had to have a good talk with myself. Taking the approach I might take with my best friend, I asked myself,...

Seeing More Clearly?

Seeing More Clearly?

Did you see that in Nepal, Mount Everest can be seen more clearly in recent days than it has in three decades? It’s true! We humans stopped with all the hustle and bustle, cars and buses, and the veil of pollution lifted! And the glorious, huge mountain reappeared --...

Get Your Ducks in a Row!

Get Your Ducks in a Row!

Right now, during this time of quarantine and isolation, we find it is a great time to get our ducks in a row. Soon all the closets will be organized, the garage cleaned, the garden ready for summer, the kids settled into their new learning routine. And then what?...

“Never Waste a Good Crisis.” – Winston Churchill

“Never Waste a Good Crisis.” – Winston Churchill

It is hard not to take this whole isolation, no income thing personally. Yet, whatever this thing is, it isn’t because of anything you or I did. Yet, here we are stuck with this amazing gift of time for reflection and reminding ourselves what is of the greatest value...

Practice Over Perfection

Practice Over Perfection

Fill in the blank: “Perfection is the enemy of _________.”. Progress? Creativity? Success?  Getting the job done? Years ago, I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a short book about a seagull who is outcast from the flock because he does not wish to stay stuck in daily...

What Did You Do To Me!?!

What Did You Do To Me!?!

When I first started trying to understand my own intuitive knowing, the power of manifestation, the deep realization of the incredible level of control I have over my own destiny, I kept coming back to the Wizard of Oz exchange between Dorothy and Glinda, The Good...

You Might Be an Empath If…

You Might Be an Empath If…

You might be an empath if.. You can't sleep because of what someone else is going through You have unexplained aches and pains, especially after being out in public be it at an outdoor festival, grocery store, party, or family gathering Your emotions are not congruent...

Why Not Bring Your Whole Brain to Work?

Why Not Bring Your Whole Brain to Work?

Often we either don’t stop to consider what our intuition is trying to tell us or we reason it away. That’s like leaving half your brain in the car!

As Seen on: RealTalk with Brian & Dan

As Seen on: RealTalk with Brian & Dan

Thank you, Brian and Dan for having me on your show! I appreciated the opportunity to talk about Intuition Coaching. I hope you will all watch. I am on at the 33 minute mark!

Bending Spoons: Magic or Science?

Bending Spoons: Magic or Science?

No matter how much I studied metaphysics, there was one feat I could not achieve: bending spoons. 
A colleague of mine was doing an introductory class to metaphysics and bending spoons was part of the class. The basic, entry level class! I attended because clearly I’m missing something basic.

It’s Not Someone Else’s Job to Accept You

It’s Not Someone Else’s Job to Accept You

Some much time is wasted waiting for others to accept us. I have come from this very needy place and it just doesn’t work. Waiting for someone else’s acceptance requires us to wait until they change.  As long as it requires someone else to change, we have surrendered...

Unexpected Turbulence

Unexpected Turbulence

For my 11th birthday, I asked to fly in an airplane. It was 1968 and not a lot of people I knew had flown in one. It was a big deal. Long before I was born, my father flew small crafts and was more than happy to oblige. We went to a little nearby airfield and I got to...

Give Yourself the Gift of Peace: Keep the Power and the Joy

Give Yourself the Gift of Peace: Keep the Power and the Joy

“Awww, does Uncle Harry have to come this year? You know he's only going to _______” The holidays are often a joyful time until that one relative or longtime "family friend" that drives you up the wall shows up! For weeks the very thought of their presence fills you...

Are you a gracious receiver? 

Are you a gracious receiver? 

Remember what it felt like as a child when you presented mom with a handful of dandelions or your latest macaroni art project and she made a fuss about how thoughtful it is was? She probably said something like “For me? How thoughtful!” Felt good, right? Some people...

You are the Cause and the Cure

You are the Cause and the Cure

Western medicine has trained us that the things that cause diseases are viruses or bacteria and that pharmaceuticals are the only way to cure it. An acquaintance, “Sue,” developed encephalitis while working as a physician assistant. It was debilitating and caused her...

How do I know it’s my intuition and not just me?

How do I know it’s my intuition and not just me?

“How do I know it’s not fear or just what I want to hear?” Perfectly good questions with a simple and easy answer. Your brain, your ego, your fear wants to have a conversation with you. They want to protect you in ways that tend to keep you small and safe in a...

“Yeah, but how do I know it’s real?”

“Yeah, but how do I know it’s real?”

This is not an uncommon response to past life regression (PLR) or other hypnotherapy sessions. My answer is “does it matter?” If we can get meaning from a dream, a fable, a parable, a movie, etc., then why do we have to know that what we experienced was real? A better...

A New Relationship with Time

A New Relationship with Time

For me, time always seemed to tick away, downward, lessening. The teacher would start the clock and time would run out. Pencils down. You’re out of time. As I got older, time seemed to be for younger people. Not that I consciously thought of myself as done but I also...

Discover Your Own “Aha”

Discover Your Own “Aha”

“Aha!” is the sound of power coming into your grasp. It is the power of discovering something about yourself or a situation – the staying power it has, the empowerment that comes from stumbling onto something you instinctively know is true. As a hypnotherapist, I use...

Stop. Breathe. Know.

Stop. Breathe. Know.

Do you remember the "Celestine Prophecy?" It was published in 1993 and written by James Redfield. It had a powerful effect on my life. Initially I was annoyed with the prolonged story examples he gave but all these years later, that’s how I remember the lessons. In...

Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract

Opposites Attract... but what happens when they start to repel? I married my complete opposite. He’s more introverted than extroverted, totally about the five senses while I’m all about the sixth sense. He needs a tremendous amount of data for even the smallest...

Hush not rush

  Hush not rush... So what's the rush? Holidays? Guests on the way? Still, it's okay to take a few minutes just for you. Consider a hot drink, warm blanket, and music that settles the mind and soothes the soul. Winter solstice is almost here to welcome the return...

What is your truth?

What is your truth?

What is your truth? Certainly not the truth. Just yours. It is the only truth you can ever really challenge or change. I have begun to preface my statements with “this is where my understanding has led me to date” or “this is what I think as of this moment” because...

Let’s Connect on:


Mary is located in the Pacific Northwest and an avid learner and teacher of how this thing called life really works. Developing her intuitive skills came with a greater sense of peace and understanding, and she offers those insights with her writing and services.