
I began my journey in earnest when I became so ill from trying to handle all that life threw at me that I had no choice but to stop handling anything. Amongst other healthy habits, I took up meditating twice a day. Instantly, I began experiencing a constant stream of information and insights that were amazingly helpful and made me feel more supported in life. Soon after starting this new practice, I realized that I use to live this way – intuitively — all the time. I wanted to understand how “it” works and how to call on it consciously in all areas of life. For two years, I studied with an advisor who helped me understand my gifts and encouraged me to continue my learning, spending another two years studying hypnotherapy. Now, I call on my gifts in all that I do from working with executive consulting clients to hypnotherapy and psychic readings clients, to everyday life.
When asked about my beliefs, I like to say “as of now, here’s where I am” because I have learned that attachment to a specific belief makes one closed to new understandings.
I am a registered hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists and received training in Usui Reiki Levels I & II. Combining my knowledge of intuition with years of successful leadership in non-profit organizations, I offer Intuition Coaching in business settings, because “why not bring your whole brain to work?”
As seen in
BNI Plateau Partners Pulse Podcast
Real Talk with Brian & Dan – February 12, 2020
Inspired Living Podcast – What are Past Lives and Why Should We Care