My favorite show growing up in the ‘60s was Bewitched. Mine, and a few million others.

Everyone knew the kooky cast of characters centered around Samantha, a witch who, despite objections from her witch and warlock parents, married a mere mortal. Samantha had magic, humor and a whole cast of family and friends who would pop in and out at the most inopportune times causing mayhem and hilarity in the mortal world.

My friends and I tried to emulate Samantha by twitching our noses to effect a change or grant ourselves a preposterous wish. (I once tried to conjure a year’s supply of Mallow Cups™.)

Here was the most important part: No matter what happened in the next thirty minutes, she and her husband managed to hide Samantha’s true identityPhew!

As I reflect back, I realize there were so many more messages in each episode that were not so funny. Many reinforced the stereotypical role of the woman in her husband’s career. But here is the biggest one of all:

Hide your magic!✨

And indeed, I did! I hid my magic for the first fifty years of my life. I hid it so well, that I wasn’t sure I really had it.

Why hide it?

Because it makes others uncomfortableBecause it may be too threatening for others to understand. Because it may upset the (un)natural order of things.

Hiding Samantha’s true identity should not have been a relief much less a goal!

Today, I frequently channel my inner Samantha🧙‍♀️ by embracing that part of me that is magic and sharing it with the world.

Manifesting my life in new ways is my special skill. Helping you manifest your life new ways is my honor because YOU have magic, too!

Every day you can use your magic for good or evil or not at all. You get to decide. But never let anyone tell you to hide it.

Feeling blocked from what makes you magical? Sign up for a free discovery call and let’s see if we can remove barriers to more positively manifesting the life you want.

#FindingYourOwnMagic #DareToBeMagical #DiscoveryCall