No matter how much I studied metaphysics, there was one feat I could not achieve: bending spoons.

A colleague of mine was doing an introductory class to metaphysics and bending spoons was part of the class. The basic, entry level class! I attended because clearly I’m missing something basic.

At the end of class, we each got a spoon and a few instructions and then… I did it! I bent the spoon! Not with brute force but with my mind. Now, if you’re like many in my family you may want to yell something like “it’s science!” and I may say “duh!” And yet it is so much more. Here’s the science behind spoon bending with your mind: It’s all about the flow of energy from inside.

In that moment, I closed my eyes and visualized energy flowing from my heart through my left arm and then my right forming a perfect loop in both directions passing through the fingers that were positioned on the neck of the spoon. As per the instructions, I did not focus on the spoon but on the flow of energy and the increasing heat generated by my heart. Within just a few minutes, I noticed the spoon was loosening and I bent it back with very little pressure. It bent to my will.

So here is my big takeaway: Bending spoons has nothing to do with the spoon. It has to do with where you focus your energy. I recently read about someone’s first white water rafting lesson: those new to the sport are aware of the rocks. Skilled rafters are aware of the water’s flow. When I focused only on generating energy in a controlled fashion, I was in the flow and the rest gave way for my desired outcome. These days, when I am feeling stuck, I bend a spoon to remind me of the power of changing my focus and shifting my energy.

What would happen if you changed the way you think about a challenge? Where are you focused on the spoon instead of the flow?

If you would like to know more, schedule a free 30 minute discovery call to see how we might work together to help you change the flow and results in your life.